Thursday, August 02, 2012


Whyz-It we signed unto the No Call List, but we constantly get robot and live calls from politicians, survey companies, credit card scammers, etc.?  The Congress left a huge loophole in the law for non-profits and themselves, but recent calls are way beyond those two nuisances. We are inundated with these annoying “I’m sorry for the intrusion, but,” “There is nothing wrong with your credit card…,” and “Congratulations! Don’t’ hang up the phone” interruptions morning, noon and night.  We pay for our telephone. It is for our safety and convenience. It is NOT a marketing opportunity for anyone. STOP IT.

Whyz-It many household appliances, like refrigerators and washing machines, seem to be designed by young men who saved all their dirty clothes to take home for mom to wash? I have a washing machine that will not allow me to place the detergent bottle, or anything else, on the top without tipping because there is no single level surface available. I have a new refrigerator that came with no storage bins and that freezes all foods at the back of the shelves while keeping the overall temperature just above safe. Most new dryers come with the lint screen on the top so you can cover freshly dried, folded clothes with lint when you pull out the screen to clear for the next load. SMART.

Whyz-It healthy food, i.e. less sodium, low fat, etc., costs more than junk varieties?  If the manufacturer [Think about that word when discussing food…] is using less and/or processing less why are they charging more?  Of course they pat themselves on the media facing shoulder for offering healthier choices, who are they kidding?  I imagine they are LAUGHING ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK..

Whyz-It a college’s responsibility when incoming students are below par in basic university level skills like math and writing?  Acceptance standards are flaunted; proficiency debased; outcome expectations lowered. Today’s university must include remedial coursework for an increasing number of freshmen  If a student wants to pursue a college degree, it should be that student’s responsibility to be prepared, not the university’s.  A standard core of knowledge is no longer expected of students; getting a paying customer in and out in a shorter period of time seems to be the goal. Lowered expectations smack of greed—more students, however unprepared, mean more money.  The university insults its students when standards are lowered. The value of a college education becomes debased. Today’s student populations are as capable as those who have matriculated before them. High schools must commit to graduating individuals who are fully prepared to pursue higher education; students must earn skills proficiency the old fashioned way, taking personal responsibility and doing whatever work it takes; colleges shouldn’t cheapen educational attainment in favor of profitability. BE TOO PROUD TO ACCEPT LESS. 

Whyz-It that people blithely accepted design features because “that’s all they’re making now?” In recent years bedding manufacturers dictate how we should sleep. Box springs are functionally useless; top mattresses are too heavy to change the sheets without putting your back out and are not fully reversible. Sofa cushions are not reversible either--your mattress or sofa might last a few years longer. Automobile designers show a real commitment to energy conservation when they require that you start the car to raise or lower your windows!  WASTE AND STUPIDITY WITH A SMILE

Whyz-It that, if something’s too hard to enforce it follows that it should be legalized?  Just because “everyone” does it, doesn’t make it right.  [Incidentally, “everyone” doesn’t do it.] What has happened to morality?  Have values become completely relative because “different strokes for different folks” has replaced conscience?  Since when does democracy mean the tyranny of the minority?  CAN FAIRNESS GO TOO FAR?

What’s your Whyz-It?

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