Sunday, August 16, 2009

It's "OK" because...

(a) Everyone does/says it;
(b) It’s unenforceable;
(c) It makes money;
(d) It’s ubiquitous;
(e) All my friends say so;
(f) I read it on Wikipedia;
(g) I saw it on the Internet/TV;
(h) I want to;
(i) He/she does it;
(j) I’m such a bad role model, I am a role model;
(k) It’s so cool;
(l) It's quick/easy;
(m) Nobody can make me do anything;
(n) “So and so” does it;
(o) No one will catch me;
(p) No one will know;
(q) It’s not wrong;
(r) Everybody’s entitled to their own opinion;
(s) What’s your excuse?
(t) None of the above.

Sorry, objective standards exist. Information is not knowledge. Consensus is not verity. Choosing the right and the good shouldn't be easy. One must dig deep and search broadly. The results can be elusive but they are always worth the effort. The correct answer is "t" which stands for truth, no matter how you feel about it.