Thursday, March 01, 2012

Thanks for the Memories

We've been home for a week. The day we left California it was 78 degrees. The next day we arose to the coldest day of the winter and 4 inches of killer snow. For those of you not familiar with snow, killer snow has a large water content and is very heavy. The unwary might end up in the nearest emergency room if they don't shovel carefully.  Of course the hubby's snow blower wouldn't work even though he paid a goodly sum to have it overhauled in October!  While shoveling hubby and I looked at each other, not giving voice to what was in our hearts. "Why did we come home?"

A week of work, rain, wind, and the expectation of more snow describes our first full week back. My tan is fading fast. We missed our Wednesday dinners with the grandchildren.There will be no trips to Manhattan Bread and Bagel for bialys and cream cheese with chives. LACMA will need to wait until next year. All that remains are the good memories of sunshine, relaxing walks and picnics at the beach, reading aloud every Clementine book published so far, waking with no "need to do today" thoughts.  It was a lovely hiatus, but reality is in the Midwest. Thanks for the memories though. See you next winter.

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