Friday, March 23, 2007

Growlerie 2

Now that winter is over it's time to reflect and move into the Growlerie for a few pet peeves.

Spring arrived this week, but Winter in the Great Lakes Region was nasty. It began late, but came on with a fury. Where is that global warming when you need it? The groundhog did not see his shadow, so we were expecting an early Spring. Does anyone have a recipe for Groundhog Pot Pie?

Do some designers ever think of functionality? A few instances of "what were they thinking" might illustrate what I mean. New company facility, new kitchen for employees, but no drawers in the cabinets which are too shallow to accomodate plates. Lovely looking computer kiosks with no room for the mouse. Wonderful, highly rated, washing machine with a top that has four different levels thereby making it awkward to balance a laundry basket and impossible to balance a detergent bottle or box. It was a women, who after hours of ironing her husband's shirts, designed the tapered point for the iron! It seems obvious that the designers seldom used their products. Look is not enough; it has to "work."

Finally, I repeat my futile lament over elections. It is a colossial waste of money--not to mention a sure way to turn voters off--to start the campaign process two years in advance of the election. When will our political leaders learn that limiting the time candidates have to convince the public of their suitablity for office will tighten the message, show "grace under pressure," and save tons of money. It's no wonder voter turnout is low. It is not survival of the fittest candidates, it survival of the richest. Where does the money come from? What favors are owed? Give us a break. Six months is more than enough time to present your qualifications. Start representing the people and govern.

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